Success in Rice Varieties Development of Rice Promotion and Production Center, Ban Bha Khae Community Center, Waeng Yai Sub district, Waeng Yai District, Khon Kaen Province

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Supalak Chanpan
Pongmethee Chaisriha


         The Objectives of the research article were to 1) level of success in rice  varieties development  of  Rice  Promotion  and  Production  Ban  Bha Khae  Community center, 2) compare  opinions  on  the  success  in  rice  varieties  development  of  Rice  Promotion  and  Production, Ban  Bha Khae  Community Center, and 3) study  guidelines  in  Rice  Varieties  Development  of  Rice  Promotion  and  Production, Ban  Bha Khae  Community  Center. Waeng Yai sub district Waengyai  district, Khon Kaen Province. Regarding  to  the  policy  in management of Rice  Promotion  and  Production  Center, Department  of  Agriculture  Extension  and  Department  of  Rice, Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Co-op, 8 aspects  of  management  were  applied. Mixed  Method  research  used  in  this  study  were  comprised  of  123  samples  in  quantitative  research  and  10  target  subjects  in  qualitative  research.  Research  instruments  were  consisted  of  a  set  of  questionnaire  with  5  rating  scale  levels . Statistics  used  for  data  analysis  were  percentage,  mean, standard deviation, t-test  and  F-test. In  qualitative  research, in-dept  interview  and  content  analysis  were  used.

          The  research  results  were  as  follow 1)Level of success in rice varieties Development of Rice Promotion and Production, Ban  Bha Khae  Community  Center, overall  and  each  aspect  were  at  high  level. 2)The comparative analysis  Rice Varieties Development of Rice Promotion  and  Production, Ban Bha Khae Community Center found that gender, age and income  were  overall and each aspect were not statistically significant differences in every comparison.  3) Guidelines for Rice Varieties Development of Rice Promotion and Production, Ban Bha Khae Community Center revealed that. 1)The soil preparation, conversion, production  of  rice  seed  should  learned  to  follow  steps  in  the  exact  time  of  the  year, 2) The  seed  quality  should  be  the  responsibility  of  appointed  committee  to inspect seeds and packaged uncontaminated 15 seeds per 1 kg, 3) The  seed  distribution  and  marketing  should have supported markets in provinces districts  and sub districts ; 4) The  operation  of  staff, there  should  be  training  projects  to  educate  officials, farmer  members  and  community  leaders  all  about  seeds  distribution; 5) The  management  of  the  staff  center, there should be regularly meeting aerating rules and  systematically, 6) The  group  development, improving  practical  rules  which  could  be  verified; 7) The  fund  management  there  should  be  funds  raising  and  fair  divided  payment; and  8) The  learning  encounter, there  should  have administration  agriculture  members  as  well  as  having  plans  to  develop  rice  varieties.

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How to Cite
Chanpan, S., & Chaisriha, P. (2019). Success in Rice Varieties Development of Rice Promotion and Production Center, Ban Bha Khae Community Center, Waeng Yai Sub district, Waeng Yai District, Khon Kaen Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 173–184. Retrieved from
Research Article


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