Thai Citizen Civic Identities for Civic Public Administration

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Jarucha Sahudrungsi
Tin Pracsyapruit


          The research on Thai citizen civic identities for civic public administration aimed to investigate appropriate identities of ideal Thai citizens who could take part in the public administration of Thailand and drive the nation towards public interest needed by the citizens and to explore case studies of successful civic contributions to the national development. This research used qualitative research methodology which included meta-analysis. The data obtained from documentary research were gathered and synthesized via deductive reasoning leading to the conclusion of the preferred civic characteristics. The result showed that an ideal citizen should be: (1) a knowledgeable, educated, and capable person who could solve the problems, (2) a person responsible for himself, others, and the society, (3) an active participant who engages in problems and resolution, (4) a person who respects and accept differences and heterogeneity, (5) a person who respects human dignity, (6) a person who stands on egalitarianism and accepts horizontal equity, (7) a person who respect the human rights, liberty, the fair regulation of the society, (8) a person who pays respect for the king and maintain his loyalty to the king, (9) a person who possesses patience and endeavors to work on his duties to achieve the goals, (10) a person who possesses leadership, (11) a person with morality who focuses on common goods, and (12) a person with pride in being Thai.

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How to Cite
Sahudrungsi, J., & Pracsyapruit, T. (2019). Thai Citizen Civic Identities for Civic Public Administration. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 205–217. Retrieved from
Research Article


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