Developing of the Enhance Guidelines for Students’ Self Esteem of Fasai Wittaya School, Special Education Bureau

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Vichuvadee Suriyawong
Suwat Junsuwan


        The Objectives of the research article were to 1)study the indicators of components of students’ self esteem, 2) study the current state and desirable state of  enhance  students’ self esteem, 3) develop the enhance guidelines of students’ self esteem of  Fasai Wittaya  School,  Special  Education  Bureau.  The study were divided  into 3 phases, the first phase was studying indicators of components of students’ Self Esteem of Fasai Wittaya school, suitability  assessment by 5 luminaries,  the second phases was studying the current state and desirable state of enhance  students’ self esteem  of  Fasai Wittaya school, collected  data  from  30  persons,  the third phases was developing the enhance guidelines of students’ self Esteem,  Special  Education  Bureau,  investigated suitability and possibility  of  guidelines  by  5luminaries.  Descriptive statistics used in this study were  mainly percentage,  mean,  and modified priority needs index. 

           The result were found: 1. The student’s public mind component synthesized consisted of 2 components 7 sub-components  were  component 1)  self esteem from self including 4 sub-components were 1) Self-understanding and self-image satisfaction 2) Emotional management 3) strive and endeavor 4) strength and endure, component 2) self esteem from other's acceptance have 3 sub-components were 1) family state and family members 2) good friend role 3) role of good members of society. 2. The result of current state of enhance  students’ self esteem  of  Fasai Wittaya school  were  found  the  current  state  overall  at  high  level, when considering each components  were  found  the  opinion about the current  state overall  at high  levels. 3. The Enhance Guidelines of Students’ Self Esteem of Fasai Wittaya school,  Special  Education  Bureau  including  2  components  7  sub-components 

41 Guidelines. The  result  of  suitability assessment of  the enhance guidelines of students’ self esteem of  Fasai Wittaya  school,  Special  Education  Bureau overall  at  high  levels and the  result  of  possibility  assessment of  the enhance guidelines of students’ self esteem of  Fasai Wittaya  school,  Special  Education  Bureau  were  found  the  possibility  of  guidelines  overall  at  high  level,  1  sub-components has  the  possibility  assessment  at  highest  level  and  6  sub-components  at  high  levels.

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How to Cite
Suriyawong, V., & Junsuwan, S. (2019). Developing of the Enhance Guidelines for Students’ Self Esteem of Fasai Wittaya School, Special Education Bureau. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 251–260. Retrieved from
Research Article


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