Parents Participation in Early Childhood Learning Promotion of the Child Development Center in Nong Ruea District KhonKaen Province

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Watchraporn Seenonyang
Niyada Piemphueng


          The Objectives of the research article were to study the current situation and the desirable conditions, to study the needs and to study the suggestions on the parents' participation in early childhood learning promotion of the child development center in Nong Ruea district, KhonKaen province. The sample groups used in this research included 67 teachers, 192 parents. The instrument used for data collection was a 5 level rating scale questionnaire with a questionnaire reliability at 0.89. The statistics used for data analysis comprised mean, standard deviation and modified needs index.

         The research results were found that: 1) The current situation of parents' participation in learning promotion of the child development center  in Nong Ruea district, KhonKaen province, in overall, was found that it was rated at a high level, when considering in each aspect, it is found that the aspect that had the highest practice was decision making, followed by home learning, while the aspect with the lowest practice was parenting. The desirable conditions of parents' participation in early childhood learning promotion of the child development center in NongRuea district, KhonKaen province, in overall, were rated at a high level, when considering in each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean was volunteering, followed by parenting, while the aspect with the lowest mean was home learning.  2) The needs of the participation of parents in promoting early childhood learning of the child development center in Nong Ruea district, KhonKaen, when considering in each aspect, were rated at a high level arranging from the highest to the lowest namely parenting, volunteering, participation, communication, home learning and decision making respectively. 3)  The suggestions on parents' participation in promoting early childhood learning of the child development center in Nong Ruea district, KhonKaen province are as follows: (1) On parenting: There should be a clean and safe building. (2) On volunteering: There should be a support on a small child field. (3) On the participation: There should be promotion of children building and skills development. (4) On communication: There should be promotion of teachers and parents to participate in coordination with external organizations. (5) On home learning: There should be promotion of teachers and parents to receive more modern knowledge. (6) On decision-making: There should be parents support to be school board.

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How to Cite
Seenonyang, W., & Piemphueng, N. (2020). Parents Participation in Early Childhood Learning Promotion of the Child Development Center in Nong Ruea District KhonKaen Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 397–407. Retrieved from
Research Article


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