A Model for living a Self-Reliance Way of life Based on the Buddhist Principle of Right Livelihood to Develop the Quality life of the Farmers in the Central Northeastern Region

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Jiraporn Phansawang
Patcharee Silarat
Supasit Linthamart
Amornrat Phansawang
Rapeepat Hansopa


        The objectives of this research were to create and develop a self-living model based on the principle of Right Livelihood in order to develop life quality of farmers living in the central northeastern region of Thailand and the model created being tested with the target group to ensure its effectiveness. The testing process began with the workshop having been arranged for 40 farmers living in the central Northeastern provinces, of which ten each were selected from Roi Et, Mahasarakham, Kalasin and KhonKaen. The test result was analyzed to find its quality and validity so that the model would be developed more effectively.

          The results of the study were as follows: The model that has been created and developed consists of 3 factors. They are 1. Life maintaining, 2. Livelihood operating and 3. Application. It was also found that the sustainable development of life should be based on the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and royal technology originated by the late King Rama IX. And   the following 5 virtues and 9 measures should be practiced. The five virtues are 1. Trust, 2. Braveness, 3. Unity, 4. Knowledge and 5. Social norms, and the 9 measures comprise the following: Being sufficient 1. to eat, 2. to use, 3. to survive, 4. for well-being, 5. to do good, 6. to give, 7. for saving, 8. to sell and 9. to perform in a network. And The model that had been applied and its effectiveness was found to enhance with statistical significance at .05.

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How to Cite
Phansawang, J., Phrakrukittiwarathorn, Silarat, P., Linthamart, S., Phansawang, A., & Hansopa, R. (2020). A Model for living a Self-Reliance Way of life Based on the Buddhist Principle of Right Livelihood to Develop the Quality life of the Farmers in the Central Northeastern Region. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 84–94. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/242226
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