Community Promotion to Create Social and Cultural Stability in Sisaket Province

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Suthat Pratoomkeaw
Phrakan Saengrung
Uthai Phookodhin


           The objectives of this research were to 1)study the promotion of the teachings that appear in the Buddhist scriptures. 2)study the creation of social security in Si Sa Ket Province. 3)To analyze the promotion of the community's livelihood to create social and cultural stability in Sisaket Province. With the scope of area studies including Khukhan District, Pho Si Suwan District, And Mueang Sisaket District. The sample group used in the research was the village leaders, Spiritual leaders/villagers, Development leader, Including 36 images/person. The tools used in the research are descriptive interview form.

          The research found that Promoting the community's livelihood for social security and culture. It is essential that the practitioner should apply Buddhism principles in life. The principle of life is considered an important principle in Buddhism. Practice of people who aim for the happiness of life. The creation of social security in Sisaket province. It is a principle that must be done in the framework of morality and laws that the government has adopted. By adhering to honesty both physically, verbally and mentally. That does not fall into the power of greed, anger and delusion. Which causes trouble for themselves and society for Buddhists, it is a regulation that governs the behavior of people and the affairs of the community. Because the sacrament is a link to the cultural stability of the society. Promoting the community's livelihood for social security in Sisaket Province. Therefore is the principle of living with ethical values in the development of the quality of life of people, both physically, verbally and mentally. As well as creating value for the development of intelligence To know to think logically in life. In addition Living according to the principles of occupation is also an ethical value to support and promote the quality of life of others. And has value for the development of society as a whole, including government, politics, economy. As well as supporting the development of other ethical and social systems to be stronger and more stable. Which will lead to more goals that contribute to the overall happiness of people in society.

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How to Cite
Pratoomkeaw, S., Saengrung, P., & Phookodhin, U. (2019). Community Promotion to Create Social and Cultural Stability in Sisaket Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), ุ62–72. Retrieved from
Research Article


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