The Need for Participation in Academic Administration of Early Childhood Teachers in Private Schools in KhonKaen Province

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Siriporn Seetecha
Samrej Yurachai


                The purposes of this research were to study the current situation and the desirable conditions for participation in academic administration of early childhood teachers in private schools in khonkaen province. The sample group used in this research consisted of 234 early childhood teachers. The instrument used for collecting data was a 5-level rating scale and content accuracy by item IOC value between 0.67 - 1.00 questionnaire with reliability at .93. The statistics used for data analysis comprised mean, standard deviation and the need index.

                 The research results were found that:1)The current situation of participation in academic administration of early childhood teachers in private schools in khonkaen province, in overall, was rated at a moderate level, when considering in each aspect, it was found that the aspect at the highest mean was development and promotion of learning resources at a high level, followed by assessment and evaluation at a moderate level, while the aspect at the lowest mean was supervision at a moderate level. 2)The desirable conditions of participation in academic administration of early childhood teachers in private schools in khonkaen province, in overall, were rated at the highest level, when considering in each aspect, it was found that the aspect at the highest mean was the development of school curriculum at the highest level, followed by assessment and evaluation at the highest level, the aspect at the lowest mean was the development and promotion of learning resources at the highest level.3) The needs for participation in academic administration of early childhood teachers in private schools in khonkaen province, when considering in each aspect, were as follows: (1)Development of school curriculum (2)Assessment and evaluation (3)Teaching supervision (4)Development of educational media, innovation and technology (5)Research for improving educational quality (6)Development and promotion of learning sources.

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How to Cite
Seetecha, S., & Yurachai, S. (2019). The Need for Participation in Academic Administration of Early Childhood Teachers in Private Schools in KhonKaen Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(1), 345–355. Retrieved from
Research Article


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