The Study of Efficiency and Attitude of The Third Year Student Towards Using Instructional Media of English Critical Listening

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Khamphiraphap Kongsumruay
Radchaneeboon Nedpukdee
Thanakorn Chusukserm


         The purposes of this research were: 1) to find the efficiency of Instructional Media of English Critical Listening according to the criteria 75/75, 2) to compare the achievement score or critical listening gained before and after critical listening exercises, 3) to measure the attitude of the student towards using the instructional media of English critical listening. The sample consisted of 20 students studying in the faculty of humanities (English) in the third year of 1/2562 academic years at Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus by using purposive sampling. The research instruments consisted of the Instructional Media of English Critical Listening, pretest and posttest exercises, attitude assessment. The statistical data analyses were mean, standard deviation, percentage, difficulty, discrimination, reliability, validity, E1/E2 efficiency index, and t-test dependent.

           The research found that: 1) the efficiency of the Instructional Media of English Critical Listening was higher that defined criteria (76.81/88.13), 2) the posttest achievement of the student in English major was higher than the pretest. The average score was 35.25 and the standard deviation score was 2.39. It was a significant difference at 0.05, 3) the attitude of the student towards the Instructional Media of English Critical Listening was the highest level. The average score was 4.65 and the standard deviation was 0.47.

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How to Cite
Kongsumruay, K., Nedpukdee, R., & Chusukserm, T. (2020). The Study of Efficiency and Attitude of The Third Year Student Towards Using Instructional Media of English Critical Listening. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), ุึ670–682. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Khamphiraphap Kongsumruay, Lecturer in the Curriculum. Bachelor of Arts (English), Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, Thailand.

Khamphiraphap Kongsumruay 0861317448 /


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