The Development of Civil Rights of the Former Chinese Nationalist Troops (Kuo Min Tang) and the Former Communist Party of Malaya

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Varunada Vongrot
Nipon Sohheng


        The objective of the research article were to investigate Thai government management towards a group of former Chinese soldiers (Kuomintang) and a group of former Malaya communist who had already immigrated to Thailand, leading to new status of both 2 groups and also to investigate acquisition of  civil rights of both groups, given by Thai government from the past until nowaday.  The data collecting was based on documentary research and in-depth interview with key informants. The study result showed that Thai government has implemented policies to tackle  2 important problems as follows:  controlling and governing policy has mainly used for  national security, primarily under military supervise and responsibility. National economic integration policy has also used by providing 15 rai of arable land for each family so as to empower occupational security of those groups. Meanwhile,  in term of social and cultural aspect, Thai government has adopted not only Thainess assimilation integration policy in order that such groups could adjust easily to Thai society but also such groups  were able to freely maintain their ethnic identity. Regarding to civil rights given to such groups after  becoming  a citizen of  Thai state, acquisition was based on principle of the recognition and protection of  citizens’ rights legislated  in Constitution and  International Law, including nationality rights, freedom of  movement and residence movement, freedom of  occupation,  freedom of expression of ethnic identity and political rights. However, at present both groups are still facing national rights, freedom of careering and some political rights  issues. This is because Thai government continues to restrict the scope of these rights to protect mainly national interest and national security.

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How to Cite
Vongrot, V., & Sohheng, N. (2020). The Development of Civil Rights of the Former Chinese Nationalist Troops (Kuo Min Tang) and the Former Communist Party of Malaya. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 680–693. retrieved from
Research Article


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