Development of Training Curriculum for Creative Problem Solving on Life Skill for Preschool Children at Massayid Ban Somded Community Pre-School Children Center in Bangkok

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Pranee Namwichai
Nuttchana Futemwong
Parinya Thongsorn
Vichit Suratruangchai


         The objectives of the research article were 1) to develop training curriculum for creative problem-solving on life skill for preschool children at Massayid Ban Somded community pre-school children center in Bangkok, 2) to implement and evaluate the results of the developed training curriculum for creative problem-solving life skill for preschool children at Massayid Ban Somded community pre-school children center in Bangkok for teachers after training. The sample were selected by a purposive sampling technique and consisted of 10 teachers and 20 early childhood studying in Massayid Ban Somded community pre-school children center in Bangkok. The research instruments were an achievement test, an evaluation form and a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Mean, Standard Deviation, PNImodified, dependent t-test, and content analysis.

          The research results were: 1. The developed training curriculum for creative problem-solving life skill for preschool children that the elements of the teacher training curriculum were comprised of principles and background, curriculum objectives, contents and learning experiences, activities, media and sources of learning and assessment and evaluation by assessing the suitability of the training curriculum from the experts, the quality was found at a high level. 2. The results of training courses were as follows: 2.1) The teachers had knowledge of experiences strengthen life skills of creative problem-solving of early childhood children after the training significantly higher than before the training difference at .05 level. 2.2) The skills in writing an experience plan that enhances the creative problem-solving life skill was at the high. 2.3) Teacher have good reviews for training curriculum for creative problem-solving on skill for preschool children. 3. The results of training curriculum for creative problem-solving on life skill for preschool children in the organized follow-up phase was the early childhood children had knowledge after the study significantly higher than before the study difference at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Namwichai, P., Futemwong, N., Thongsorn, P., & Suratruangchai, V. (2020). Development of Training Curriculum for Creative Problem Solving on Life Skill for Preschool Children at Massayid Ban Somded Community Pre-School Children Center in Bangkok. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 458–472. Retrieved from
Research Article


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