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Orawan Playlaharn
Chumnian Poollaharn
U-rasa Phomta


         The objectives of this research article were 1) to develop the life skills indicators of the high school students in the service of the provincial administrative organization 2) to examine the coherence of the life skills model of the high school students in the service of the provincial administrative organization based on the formation and 3) to the development of the empirical data and were to generate the evaluation criteria, and life skills evaluation of the high school students in the service of the provincial administrative organization. This mixed method research. The participants were the school administrators, the head of academic affairs, the head of student affairs, and the chairman of basic education board that were chosen the multistage stage sampling to assure the life skills of the high school students in the service of the provincial administrative organization. The sample consisted of 520. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire. Data analyzed by using a computer program. Calculate the statistics such as mean, standard deviation. And create a model of life skill composition of high school students Under the provincial administration organization with the computer program.

        The research results were as follow: 1. The result of the element development and life skills indicators of the high school students in the service of the provincial administrative organization revealed the 6 major factors  18  sup–features and 72 indicators which were 1) The major factor  of creative problem solutions involved 3 sup–features  12 indicators 2) the element of decision involved 3 sup–features 12 indicators 3) the element of effective communication involved  3 sup–features  12 indicators 4) the element of building relationship involved  3 sup–features 12 indicators 5) the element of self-awareness involved 3 sup–features 12 indicators and 6) the element of emotional regulation involved 3 sup–features 12 indicators. The highest weigh value of the standard element was the element of the creative problem solutions.   2. The result of life skills constructive model coherent examination of the high school students in the service of the provincial administrative organization found that  X2 = 3.998, df = 2, P-Value = 0.1355, RMSEA = 0.042, CFI = 0.999, TLI = 0.995, SRMR = 0.004, and the weigh value of the six life-skills indicators was at the 0.01 level of significance. The life skills indicator constructive model was in accordance with the criteria which gave on to the very good level of the construct validity and construct reliability. 3. The result of building criteria and the life-skills evaluation of the students in the service of the provincial administrative organization was suitable at the very good level.

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How to Cite
Playlaharn, O., Poollaharn, C., & Phomta, U.- rasa. (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE SKILLS INDICATORS OF THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 70–84. Retrieved from
Research Article


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