Development the Management Administration Guidelines According to Standard Criteria of Child Development Centers under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham Province

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Siridao Phosing
Thanarat Sripongngam


          The objectives of the research were to 1) study the current state and desirable state of management administration according to standard criteria of child development centers under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham province 2) develop the guidelines of management administration according to standard criteria of child development centers under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham province. The study divided to 2 phases, the first phase was study the current state and desirable state of management administration according to standard criteria of child development centers collected data from 345 persons in samples group including administrators and employees under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham province, the second phase was develop the guidelines of management administration according to standard criteria of child development centers. Used focus group method to Investigated and assessed guidelines’ suitability and possibility by 9 luminaries. Descriptive statistics used in this study were mainly percentage, average and standard deviation.

          The result of this study were found: 1) The current state of management administration according to standard criteria of child development centers under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham province overall and all aspects were at moderate levels and desirable state overall and all aspects were at high levels. 2) The guidelines of management administration according to standard criteria of child development centers under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham province included 6 components 35 indicators 108 guidelines. Guidelines’ suitability assessed and feasibility assessed both overall and all aspects were at high levels.

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How to Cite
Phosing, S., & Sripongngam, T. (2019). Development the Management Administration Guidelines According to Standard Criteria of Child Development Centers under the Local Administrative Organization Mahasarakham Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 95–105. Retrieved from
Research Article


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