Developing a Guideline to Learning Environment of Schools in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24

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Jiraporn Kruewaengmon
Thanarat Sripongngam


         The objectives of the research were to 1)study elements and indicators of developing learning environment management guidelines in schools 2)study the current and desired situations of learning environment management in schools 3)develop learning environment management guidelines of schools under the secondary educational service area office 24. The sample of the study was divided into two group, the first was 419 consisted of 92 of schools directors and 327 of teachers who responsible for learning environment management, the second was 6 of administrators and teachers under the secondary educational service area office 24. The research instruments comprised of a questionnaire of current and desired situations of learning environment management in schools and the interview questions. The statistics used was percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          The result of this study were found: 1. The elements and indicators of developing learning environment guidelines of schools were comprised of 3 elements and 50 indicators which were shown in the most level. 2. The current situations of learning environment management guidelines in schools were shown in well level. When consider in each aspects, it shown that all aspect were well level which can be ordered respectively according to the mean as following; learning management, building, and administration. Moreover, the desired situations of learning environment management guidelines in schools were shown in the most level of all aspects which can be ordered respectively according to the mean as following; administration, building and learning management. 3. The guidelines of learning environment management in schools were shown that there were 3 aspects which comprised of 19 aspects of building, 15 aspects of learning management and 16 aspects of administration.

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How to Cite
Kruewaengmon, J., & Sripongngam, T. (2019). Developing a Guideline to Learning Environment of Schools in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 24. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 106–115. Retrieved from
Research Article


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