Self-Development Guidelines for Teachers under the Jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1

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Benchamart Wannapakhe
Surachet Noilit


         The objectives of the research were to 1) study the current conditions and desirable conditions of self-development for teachers and 2) study self-development guidelines for teachers under the jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1. The research sample was composed of 280 teachers under the jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1, who were selected through a process of multi-stage random sampling. Data collection tools used for this investigation were a 5-point rating scale questionnaire, interview forms and forms to evaluate the consistency and suitability of the guidelines. Statistics used during data analysis were percentage, average, standard deviation and correlation coefficient.

          The result of this study were found: 1)The results showed that there were 3 components and 28 indicators of self-development for teachers under the jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1. 2) The overall current condition of self-development among teachers under the jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1 was found to be at a moderate level. 3) The area of self-development for teachers under the jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1 found to be in the most need was ‘Creation of innovations to develop the organization and the profession’ followed by ‘Knowledge exchange and network creation’ and ‘Study and research of new knowledge. Overall, the consistency and suitability of guidelines for self-development of teachers under the jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1 were evaluated at the highest level. The possibility of the guidelines was evaluated at a high level. The individual component with the highest rating for suitability was ‘Study and research of new knowledge’, followed by ‘Knowledge exchange and network creation’ and ‘Creation of innovations to develop the organization and the profession’, respectively. The potential of all three components was rated at a high level.

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How to Cite
Wannapakhe, B., & Noilit, S. (2019). Self-Development Guidelines for Teachers under the Jurisdiction of the Mahasarakham Office of Primary Education Area 1. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 159–168. Retrieved from
Research Article


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