Development Guidelines for Strategic Management of Educational Manager in School Administrators under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Education Service Area Office 25

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Supreeya Chinpawor
Surachet Noilit


          The objectives of the research were to 1)study the current conditions, desirable conditions and priority needs index of strategic management in school administrators, 2)study guidelines for developing strategic leadership in school administrators under the jurisdiction of Secondary Education Service Area, Office 25. The research sample was composed of 74 school directors from schools under the jurisdiction of Secondary Education Service Area, Office 25. Data was collected in two phases. In the first phase, an evaluation form with a five-point rating scale was used to assess the suitability of components and indicators of strategic management and a three-part questionnaire was used, combining checklist, open-ended and 5-point rating-scale questions in school administrators. In the second phase, an evaluation form with a five-point rating scale was used to assess the developing guidelines for strategic management in school administrators. The statistics used for analysis were average, standard deviation and a modified priority needs index.

          The research found that : 1. Current conditions, desirable conditions and the need for strategic management of school administrators under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 25, it was found that in all three aspects, the current condition was at a high level, The overall  desirable condition was at the highest level.  2. Strategic management guidelines for school administrators under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 25, found that overall is appropriate at a high level and feasibility. At the highest level and considering the appropriateness of each possibility, sorting the average value to the least, strategy formulation implementation of strategies and control and assessment strategies respectively.

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How to Cite
Chinpawor, S., & Noilit, S. (2019). Development Guidelines for Strategic Management of Educational Manager in School Administrators under the Jurisdiction of Secondary Education Service Area Office 25. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 214–225. Retrieved from
Research Article


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