Public Administration Base on Good Governance in Thakhonyang Sub-district Municipality, Kantharawichai District, Mahasarakham Province

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Khoy Charuengrite
Prayote Songklin


          The objectives of the research were to 1)study public administration based on good governance and 2)study suggestions for public administration based on good governance in Thakhonyang sub-district municipality, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham province. The research was conducted by using mixed method including both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The samples in this research were378 people who were 18 years old or over who had a legal right to vote in Thakhonyang sub-district municipality, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham province, obtained by using Taro Yamane formula. The interviewees purposively selected in this research consisted of 10 officials in Thakhonyang sub-district municipality, and 10 community leaders and people in Thakhonyang sub-district municipality.The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and semi-structured interviewing form.The questionnaire reliability was95.The statistics used for at analyses included the percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation.

          The results of the study were as follows:  1. People’s overall opinion about public administration based on good governance in Thakhonyang sub-district municipality, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham province, was ata moderate level.   2. Peoples suggestion for public administration based on good governance in Thakhonyang sub-district municipality, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham province was as follows: For rule of law aspect, the municipality should inform or educate people on law, notice, and regulation; for ethics aspect, the officials in the municipality should be encouraged to work honestly and to focus on people’s advantages; for transparency aspect, the municipality should disseminate budget information on each project to the public  various media; for participation aspect, the municipality should provide more channels to listen to people’s opinions; for accountability aspect, the municipality should solve the problems for people immediately; and for value for money aspect, the municipality should consider worthiness in budget allocation.

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How to Cite
Charuengrite, K., & Songklin, P. (2019). Public Administration Base on Good Governance in Thakhonyang Sub-district Municipality, Kantharawichai District, Mahasarakham Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 225–237. Retrieved from
Research Article


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