The Development of Instructional Model under the Constructive Theory through Drill Exercise, “A Topic of Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013”, Handy Craft Career and Technology Department for Prathomsuksa 6 Students, Tesaban4 (Salakantong) School, Muang District, Satun Province

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Wasana Boonwan


          The Objectives of the research article were 1)study the foundation information on the development of instructional model under the constructive theory through drill exercise, 2)design and develop instructional model under the constructive theory through drill exercise, 3)try out the instructional model under the constructive theory through drill exercise, 4)evaluate the satisfaction of the instructional model under the constructive theory through drill exercise, “A topic of using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013”, Handy Craft Career and Technology Department for Prathomsuksa 6 students, Tesaban 4 (Salakantong) School, Muang District, Satun Province. The sampling group comprised 24 students, class 6/2, selected by cluster random sampling. The research tools were the instructional model through drill exercise, “A topic of using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013”, Handy Craft Career and Technology Department for Prathomsuksa 6 students, teaching plan, achievement test, satisfaction form. The statistic used percentage, mean and standard deviation, dependent samples t-test and content analysis.

          The results of the research were found that: 1. From the analysis of basic data, involved with the policy of national education plan in Thailand 4.0 era, national education act B.E. 1999, core curriculum focuses on learners to follow education policy in Thailand 4.0 era which learners could be able to use technology to support their learning skills and use technology in various ways.  Learners had technology process skill in order to gain themselves-development and developed society in learning, communication, working, creative problem solving, correct, proper and had a moral.  Learners also knew how to use technology properly in current situation.       2. Instructional model was developed “WAS-NA Model” composited of principle, objective, instructional process, learning supplementary, skills training form under condition. 3. The result of using instructional model under the constructive theory through drill exercise, “A topic of using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013”, Handy Craft Career and Technology Department for Prathomsuksa 6 students, Tesaban4 (Salakantong) School, Muang District, Satun Province  was efficaciously at 85.92/82.64 4.The result of satisfaction of students after learning instructional model under the constructive theory through drill exercise, “A topic of using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013”, Handy Craft Career and Technology Department for Prathomsuksa 6 students, Tesaban4 (Salakantong) School, Muang District, Satun Provincein overall was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Boonwan, W. (2019). The Development of Instructional Model under the Constructive Theory through Drill Exercise, “A Topic of Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013”, Handy Craft Career and Technology Department for Prathomsuksa 6 Students, Tesaban4 (Salakantong) School, Muang District, Satun Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 304–316. Retrieved from
Research Article


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