The Public Health Participation in Crisis Covid-19 in Nam Som Udon Thani Province

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Kanyarat Inthaboonsri


          The objective of research article were to 1) study the development of public health participation in the Covid-19 crisis, 2) to study the developmental factors of public health participation in the Covid-19 crisis, and 3) study guidelines for development, development, participation in public health promotion in the Covid-19 crisis in the area of Nam Som District Udon Thani Province by integrated research. The sample group in this research is 390 people in Nam Som District, Udon Thani Province, and the target groups who were informed in this research by interviewing 10 people. Research instruments, questionnaires and interview forms Analyze data using a computer. Statistical package used for this research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.

        The results of the research showed that : 1) The development of public health participation in the Covid-19 crisis of the overall aspects, it was found that most of them agreed that participation was at a moderate level.   2. General conditions of development, participation in public health promotion in the Covid-19 crisis of the overall opinion was at a moderate level. 3) Guidelines for development, development, participation in public health promotion in the Covid-19 crisis In the area of Nam Som District Udon Thani. Establish an integrated operational policy for the participation of all relevant parties, with operational plans covering all sectors. For promoting public health in the Covid-19 crisis Organize concrete and continuous health promotion activities to promote public health. Promote and support staff to give knowledge about health promotion to the public seriously have hospitals and public health volunteers supervise and enhance the well-being of the public regarding the prevention of cocid-19 Government and network partners should promote and strengthen health care, educate about Covid-19 disease. Carry out the project according to the government policy assigned to network partners to implement the budget support Materials and equipment.

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How to Cite
Inthaboonsri, K. (2020). The Public Health Participation in Crisis Covid-19 in Nam Som Udon Thani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 625–635. Retrieved from
Research Article


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