The Project Risks and Uncertainties

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Sompong Suwannaphuma


          The Project analysis is an analysis under but certain future conditions. The predictions about the future are fairly accurate but with the fact that the future is subject to risks and uncertainties. Therefore, project analysis, which is an analysis of what is happening in the future, may not be as expected and there is a possibility of an error. The results from the analysis will be different from what you have done and if the project considered is a project that requires a large amount of investment or long project life inevitably affects the success of the project. Risks and uncertainties have very similar meanings, meaning situations in which actual results may fluctuate or deviate from the expected results. The only difference is that under the circumstances of the risk can predict the probability of occurrence of various events. In each choice Factors that cause a situation of risk and uncertainty in any investment project can be classified, namely, the nature of human action and the economy. Risks and uncertainties are very important in business decisions because they may make decisions of Executives can make mistakes. This wrong decision can cause the decline of the organization.

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How to Cite
Suwannaphuma, S. (2020). The Project Risks and Uncertainties. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 722–731. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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