The Learning Process for Human Resource Development According to Buddhist Philosophy

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Phramahanatthabhan Sudassanavipani
Phramahajaising Siridhammo
Phrateerapoong Narinto
Phramahasakol Subharamethi


          This article has objective to offer the learning process as it is a characteristic of learning activities which emphasizes the use of various forms, methods and appropriate teaching techniques should not rely on only one butmust be consistent with the aptitude of interestand the differences between the students' personalities to create self-knowledge which is consistent with the human resource development process according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy which emphasizes the learning process and self-development by following the threefold principles are precepts, meditation and wisdom. It found that  the development of human resources in the Buddhist philosophy is therefore developed in 4 areas: physical development,sacrament development, mental development and intellectual development for the benefit of the people and the society as a whole.

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How to Cite
Sudassanavipani, P., Siridhammo, P., Narinto, P., & Subharamethi, P. (2021). The Learning Process for Human Resource Development According to Buddhist Philosophy. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 933–943. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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