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Wararut Chuenjit
Sitthisak Champadaeng


         The objectives of this research article were 1) to study wisdom conservation and inheritance problems, 2) approach to promote the Likay at Higher education institution for conserving and inherit local wisdom lower north. The qualitative research collect data in the field from the population from the knowledgeable group. Group of Li-Kae actors in higher education institutions and general related groups a total of 180 people. The research tools were questionnaires, interview forms, group discussions. Qualitative data analysis by inductive method and present information on descriptive methods.

         The research found that: 1. Wisdom shows that silicate appears in institutions of four areas: knowledge of dance. The musical arts wisdom. The wisdom literature and cognitive aspects of belief and ritual. Wisdom emerges from learning, training and experience by continually keeping the traditional wisdom. But at the same time with modifications developed some wisdom with age and current social conditions. In order to call attention to the dramatic performances. And to promote conservation and to inherit the silicate. The problems encountered by the actors, especially the hero and heroine must show dramatic looks better than others. The point is to call attention to Audience and mae yok. Vocal dance shows at the same time. Because the time to switch the song at the request of the audience. The language of the dramatic bending tone. Bending words to melodies, musical composition or performance. And the stage will be a prominent platform to attract the attention of silicate. The dramatic performances of institutions inherited from the older generations who still lack expertise  in the silicate and not to convey the most dramatic show to others. Do not see the importance of succession dramatic arts. Another important reason, and because of society's values change more interested in Western culture. 2. Approach for Promoting the silicate in higher education institutions.  Should have published the dramatic arts and culture immensely and should have organized a show of silicate. Recognizing the importance to the community. The beauty of art and culture campaign to be broadcast silicate to future generations. Lest silicate missing from a local. Higher education institutions should show dramatic arts curriculum and creating a network of learning institutions to follow.           

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How to Cite
Chuenjit, W., & Champadaeng, S. (2022). APPROACH TO PROMOTE THE LIKAY AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION FOR CONSERVING AND INHERIT LOCAL WISDOM LOWER NORTH. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(2), 647–660. Retrieved from
Research Article


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