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This academic article The objective is to present Buddhist methods of learning management, social studies, new life, new ways to acknowledge the learning management in the integration of Buddhism principles with modern learning management in accordance with the curriculum of the core of basic education. To provide effective social studies learning management in the New Normal era and in line with the learning objectives. The process of organizing social studies learning activities in the New Normal period, Buddhist method, there are 9 ways: 1) A metaphor-metaphor. (Comparison) 2) The Catechism (Question-Answer) 3) The Dharma-style (conversation) 4) The Noble Truth 4 (Define Problem, Hypothesize, Experiment, Analyze Conclusion) 5) Three studies (Discipline, Mind Be steadfast, solve the problem correctly) 6) A scholar (listening a lot, writing a lot, asking a lot, thinking very analyzing) 7) Yonisomnsikarn model (Doing it in the heart by separating urgently, using thinking in a correct way) 8) Yonisomsikarn model (Build faith and ways of thinking with the students) 9) The power of mind 4 (Satisfaction with what is learned, always persist in what is learned, focus on and pay attention to what is learned, think, analyze, ponder before applying.) By adhering to the learning management principles that focus on students Adhering to the Buddha's teaching principles: clear, motivating, courageous, cheerful, and the focus is on making students learn quality, in-depth knowledge, knowing the truth, knowing clearly and applying it. And can create innovation
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