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This research is a part of the research project "Guidelines for promoting community capital management in order to drive the grounded economy of Ban Nong Bua, Phu Hor Sub-district, Phu Luang District, Loei Province aiming to 1) study the fabric of local wisdom and Ban Nong Bua, Phu Hor Sub-district, Phu Luang District, Loei Province 2) to find out the guidelines for promoting community capital management in order to drive the grounded economy of Ban Nong Bua from within the fabric of local wisdom. Qualitative research methodology was used. The target group was 10 informants of hand-woven textile members by means of interviews and focus group discussion. The data were descriptively analyzed.
The results found that: 1. Ban Nong Bua used to be an area of cultivation culture and hand-woven textiles were used in the household to create an economy for the community, such as using cotton fabric to tie a hand in a blessing ceremony, and cotton Tung (a hanging flag made of cotton) was used for the beliefs and religion. Nowadays, government agencies come to promote the income and economy of the community through tourism management and by selling products made from local wisdom such as basketry, hand-woven textiles, and products made from fabric. Therefore, the cultivation culture was restored in the form of organics for weaving and for the needs of target consumers. 2. Guidelines for driving the grounded economy at Ban Nong Bua from fabric local wisdom were as follows: 1) Promotion and revival of fabric cultivation on one's own land 2) establishing the product's Fai Tuy (Tuy Fabric) group3) development and extension of design knowledge; 4) development of fabric dyes from nature; 5) creating product identity in line with consumers' needs 6) In the community, there is an online product center and a building shop. 7) the creation of conservation and the revival of fabric wisdom, and 8) creating a network of cooperation in both government and private sectors.
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