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The objectives of the research article were 1) to develop a training course to promote English speaking skills using the B-slim teaching model. For grade 5 students, 2) To assess the effectiveness of a training program for enhancing spoken English skills using the B-slim teaching model for 5th grade students It is research and development The sample groups were 25 students of Ban Phathai School Tools used in this research A training course to promote English speaking skills using B-slim teaching model for Grade 5 students under Nakhon Phanom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation and t-test.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The results of the development of training courses to promote English language learning on speaking skills for Prathomsuksa 5 students at Nakhon Phanom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, with the content as follows 1) Pronunciation 2) Vocabulary 3) Grammar 4) Fluency 5) Comprehension. The suitability and consistency of the training program was examined by specialists. 1) The results of the feasibility analysis of the training course draft were found that the mean value was 4.80 showing that they were most appropriate. 2) The consistency analysis results showed that the consistency index was between 0.80 and 1.00 indicating that the consistency was at a high level. 3) The researcher has revised the draft of the training course according to the suggestion of the expert in order to make the training course as complete as possible. After the training course. The researcher led the training course to use with the sample group and found that the overall score of English speaking skills was very good. According to the assumptions set by understanding skills. Has the highest average score of 11.08 In conclusion, the English speaking skills for the fifth graders after the training were very good. 2. The results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the training program for promoting English learning in speaking skills for the fifth grade students were found that 1) The trainees had English speaking skills for the 5th grade students after the training was statistically significantly higher than before the training at .01 level. 2) The English speaking skill score for the fifth-graders in the five units of the unit was good. According to the assumptions set 3) Overall, students' satisfaction with the training program was the highest. Higher than the hypothesis set And to make the training course more complete Researchers have adjusted some of the learning activities to be simpler and more practical. Adding practice activities Taking more actions to improve the English speaking skills of students.
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