The Influence of Brand Experience and Satisfaction Affecting Brand Loyalty for the Private University
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The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the opinions of alumni on the factors that affect the loyalty of the university. 2) To develop a model of the factors that affect the brand loyalty to the university. The sample consisted of 360 alumni graduated from private universities during 2007-2016. Questionnaire was used as a research tool. The statistics used for data analysis were Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Structural Equation Model.
The results showed that : 1) The opinions of alumni on the factors that affect the loyalty of the university overall is at a high level. 2)Model of Brand Experience, Customer Satisfaction can affect Brand Loyalty. The adjusted model was consistent with the empirical data, all variables in the adjusted model account for 83% of the total variance in Brand Loyalty.
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