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The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the personnel administration of local government organization in Chiang Kwan district Roi Et province, 2) to compare personnel administration by gender, age, education, work position, and work experience, 3) study suggestions about personnel administration. Sampling group consisted of 211 employees and the interviewees consisted of 10 administrators and employees both group from 5 local government organization offices in Chiang Kwan Roi Et. The research instruments were a questionnaire and a structured interview form. Analyze quantitative data used basic statistic included frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and qualitative data used content analysis.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The employees of local government organization in Chiang Kwan District Roi Et Province have opinions about personnel administration of local government organization overall the mean was at a high level. 2. The employee who have education, work position, and work experience have different opinions about personnel administration of local government organization in Chiang Kwan district Roi Et province with statistical significance at the .05 level, sex and age sections not different. 3. Guidelines of personnel administration of the local government organization in Chiang Kwan district of Roi Et Province summary were as follow: 1) personnel planning aspect; there should be have a policy and make the suitability personnel plan with clearly employees’ structure and mission, 2) recruiting and selection aspect; personnel should be selected with merit system, in accordance with government regulations, disclosed and consistent with their job positions, 3) personnel retention aspect; there should be orientation training for new personnel. there is a welfare and strengthening of the morale of employees, 4) performance appraisal aspect; there should be an empirical assessment including operational intent with clear and transparent evaluation criteria, 5) human resource development aspect; should encourage personnel to always develop themselves including further education support, 6) retirement aspect; should follow the law of local government organization with a clear guideline by considering the principles of integrity, transparency, and fairness.
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