The Dissemination of Buddhist Methods for Reducing Aggressive Behavior of Thais in the 21st Century

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Sumate Tepsopa
Jiraporn Phansawang
Thongpluang Apaiwong


          The objective of the research article were 1) to test the propagation of Buddhism to reduce the aggressive behavior of Thai people in the 21st century; 2)to reduce the aggressive behavior of Thai people in the 21st century and 3) to improve and develop Buddhist propagation methods in order to reduce the aggressive behavior of Thai people in the 21st century. The sample used for this research was youth who were high school students in Central Northeast, 375 people. The tools used for data collection it was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were average. Standard deviation and test the research hypothesis using one-way analysis of variance (t-test).

          The research results were found that: 1. The results of the experiments on the propagation of Buddhist methods to reduce the aggressive behavior of the Thai people in the 21st century found that the overall level was at a high level. 2. Assessment results of trials with gender, age, educational level. Living conditions There is no difference in the media reception, there is no different opinion on the propagation of Buddhism in order to reduce the aggressive behavior of Thai people in the 21st century. 3. Suggestions for improving and developing Buddhist propagation methods to reduce the aggressive behavior of Thai people in the 21st century in compassion is to remember the suffering of others. And always have charity. The kind is that there should be a desire to help or relieve others from suffering from hunger and hardship. The benefit of others to grow even more in the advantage is fairness. And equality with others Respect the thoughts and expressions of others.

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How to Cite
Tepsopa, S., Phansawang, J., Phrakrupramotseelakul, & Apaiwong, T. (2020). The Dissemination of Buddhist Methods for Reducing Aggressive Behavior of Thais in the 21st Century. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(1), 792–806. Retrieved from
Research Article


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