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The objective of this research article is to study and create works of creative dance, Kaew Kalaya series using qualitative research methods by the documents and the fields study.The samples used in the research were interviews with 3 knowledgeable people, 10 practitioners, and 20 general people.The research tools are Observation and interview form and the research results were presented by descriptive method.
The results of the research were as follows the study and creations of dramatic arts are 3 groups of moves in total: The dance, exercise, and natural posture. The most common postures are dance and natural postures in similar proportions. The exercise is less proportioned but it was the posture that was used for the beginning of the show. The stance of the performance and movements connect the movement of the variation in a geometric pattern. The performer moves from point to point by using a variety of rows by trying not to be seen or the audience knows where the performers move in and to create interesting dimensions on the stage. The creative posture showed that in each pose group, various muscles of the body were used from the face, including smiling, using eyesight, head bending, tilting, using shoulders, arms, legs, fingers, toes, torso, and hips for movement. The creative design, each pose focuses on the power of moderate exercise so as not to affect the muscles or the limited power of the elderly.
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