The Arrangement the Teaching and Learning According Basic Non-formal Education Courses by Integration to Buddhism for Inmates in Prison

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Manop Suthampuang


         The objectives of the research article were 1)to study learners' opinions per the arrangement the teaching and learning according basic non-formal education courses by integration to Buddhism for inmates in prison, 2) to study the suggestions about the arrangement the teaching and learning according basic non-formal education courses by integration to Buddhism for inmates in prison according to the views of officials from Lampang Central Prison, 3) to study appropriate guidelines in the arrangement the teaching and learning according basic non-formal education courses by integration to Buddhism for inmates in prison. It is an integrated research method both quantitative and quality. Data provider group is male inmate and the staffs of Lampang Central Prison. The device used to collect the information is a questionnaires, interview forms and observation forms. The statistics used in this research are mean and standard deviation. The qualitative research uses descriptive analysis.

          The research results found that: 1. The opinions of learners towards teaching        and learning management according to the curriculum of non-formal education with basic integrated Buddhists in Lampang Central Prison Overall, at high level. 2. The recommendations on teaching and learning in the basic non-formal education curriculum with integrated Buddhists to inmates According to the view of Lampang Central Prison officials 1) Learning Process: Prisons should have a variety of learning processes. 2) The design of learning management: Prisons should design learning activities in which learners can apply knowledge gained from learning to apply in their lives. 3) Instructor's role: Teachers should provide experiences for learners to practice thinking, practice and improve. 4) The role of learners: learners should apply the knowledge gained to benefit themselves and the public as well. 3. Suitable guidelines for teaching and learning, In side of Learning process, Prison should emphasize skills of thinking process that enhance of morality by integration to Buddhism to students. In side of designing learning management, Prison should arrange to learners have participate  in planning organizing activities Strengthen experience in learning source in prison, should to learners Integration the subject group get in with the Buddhist doctrine that will be applied in life. In side at is role of the instructor, They should arrange experience to students expression in way have the idea creative, should give to known of research, experiment, practice, and solve problems by oneself. In side at is the role of learners, They should seek knowledge by oneself from various learn sources Inside the prison, should use results of assessment is base of development in learning process of self in future.

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How to Cite
Suthampuang, M. (2020). The Arrangement the Teaching and Learning According Basic Non-formal Education Courses by Integration to Buddhism for Inmates in Prison. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 342–351. Retrieved from
Research Article


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