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Siriporn Poomiphun
U-rasa Promta
Chumnian Pollaharn


         This research aimed to 1) study components, indicators and guidelines for development student characteristics with Benchawithi, 2) to create a model for the development student characteristics with Benchawithi. The researcher conducts research according to the research and development process. The research consisted of four steps as follows: Step 1: Study elements, indicators and guidelines for developing student characteristics with Benjavithi by studying research papers. and study visits to 3 model schools. Step 2: Create a model for developing students' characteristics with Benjawithi, assessed by experts, and 15 experts. Instruments of this research were 1) the data record from 2) the study record from 3) the suitability assessment from. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

         The results of the research were found that; 1. student characteristics with Benchawithi, there were 5 elements, 19 indicators as follows: component 1, honoring the institute with 4 indicators; The third element indicates good personality, 4 indicators, element 4, discipline, 5 indicators, element 5, honor modesty, there are 5 indicators. 2. The development student characteristics with Benchawithi is characterized by a structured diagram that relates to 6 elements: 1) Principle and Rationale. 2) Objectives                3) Benjawithi 4) Benchawithi development approach includes 7 driving activities and 1 supporting activity 5) learning materials and 6) measurement and evaluation. There are two approaches comprising an integrated activity and a project to promote student characteristics with Benjavithi, and the model evaluation results showed that student characteristics with Benchawithi of Overall suitability are at a high level, and there are overall possibilities at a high level.

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How to Cite
Poomiphun, S., Promta, U.- rasa, & Pollaharn, C. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF BENJAWITHEE MODEL AT CHALERMPRAKIAT SCHOOL GROUP UNDER THE OFFICE OF THE BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(2), 329–341. Retrieved from
Research Article


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