Using Online Tools for Teaching English in Epidemic Situations of Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases: Paradigm and Implement with Hybrid Learning

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Khamphiraphap kongsumruay
Radchaneeboon Nedpakdee
Chanatip Srito
Kaenpetch Phangsripol


          This article aims to present a paradigm in hybrid learning methods in teaching English and the implementation of online tools to be able to manage teaching and learning to achieve the objective. It is presenting a paradigm and applying online tools in the epidemic of emerging and re-emerging diseases such as COVID-19. It has spread widely across the world. The places that bring people together include business districts, markets, factories, companies, hotels, and schools. It is necessary to close the business or adjust the methods to be able to run the business. In such situations, even the teaching and learning in the educational institutions have to adjust as well.

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How to Cite
kongsumruay, K., Nedpakdee, R., Srito, C., & Phangsripol, K. (2021). Using Online Tools for Teaching English in Epidemic Situations of Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases: Paradigm and Implement with Hybrid Learning . Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 923–937. Retrieved from
Academic Article
Author Biography

Khamphiraphap kongsumruay, Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, Thailand.

Khamphiraphap Kongsumruay 0861317448 [email protected] / [email protected]


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