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Kunraphak Kwangnok
Suchat Sukna
Kanokwan Nithirattapat


         The objectives of this research paper are 1) to study the effects of technology on life. 2) To create 3D works of mixed media, waste materials and ready-to-use wires, tires, by using a mixed technique that looks like a line. to form Shaped according to the intentions of the creator There are research methods according to principles choosing daily life and advances in science and technology. Collecting field data outside the relevant symbolic pattern area. Making creative sketches from field data Preparing materials for creating works by preparing steel welding cabinets, rebar structures, wires, creating works from field data that are influenced by artists, recorded in photographs to analyze perspective shapes, draw pictures. and then analyzed and compared to find the complete sketch according to the steps.

          The results of the study found that 1) The study of the impact of technology on life and modifications for survival found that technology has played a greater role in today's lifestyle, resulting in changes in business practices. A life that requires a lifestyle change in order to seek adaptive development. Conditioning to create immune islands to protect and develop oneself in the present life. 2) The study of the mixed with a line to form a shape According to the intent of the creator, it was found that the creation of works was managed by waste materials and ready-to-use materials. Although they are different, they can be consistent with each other. It shows the harmonious unity of works that coexist with the creator's intentions more clearly.

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How to Cite
Kwangnok, K., Sukna, S., & Nithirattapat, K. (2023). THE CHANGING STATE OF TECHNOLOGY HAS HAD AN EFFECT ON CHANGING LIFESTYLES. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 124–133. Retrieved from
Research Article


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