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Amorn Ueakit
Jiraporn Phansawang
Surasit Kraisin


           The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the human resource management of Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2) to compare the opinions of personnel towards the human resource management of Mahamakut Buddhist University, and 3) to study the recommendations on human resource management of Mahamakut Buddhist University. The sample group used in this research was the 163 personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University. The instruments used for data collection questionnaire The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-test and F–test.

           The results found that: 1. The human resource management of Mahamakut Buddhist University was, in an overall aspect, found to stand at a high level. 2. As regards the comparison of the personnel’s opinions about the human resource management, classified by gender, position and educational level, it was in an overall aspect found to show no difference in the case of gender classification, but in an individual aspect, personnel’s planning was found to show statistically significant difference at the .05 level. Classified by position, it was, in both overall and individual aspects, found to display no difference, whereas classified by educational level, the statistically significant difference of .05 was found in the dimension of personnel recruiting and selecting. However, no difference was found in the cases of personnel maintenance, personnel development, and evaluation of personnel’s performances. 3. The recommendations for the management of human resources were as follows: 1) The personnel planning should be based on the number of retirements, exploration data, current situation and prevalent problems; moreover, the development plan for academic and supportive sectors should be prepared and designed in a really practical manner. 2) Personnel recruiting and selecting should be implemented under the motto, ‘Put the right man in the right job’, and promotion opportunities should be open wider for staff members than the out-siders. 3) The personnel maintenance program should be undergone via welfare measures such as medical service and merit-system promotion in order to boost morale and sacrificial spirit of the staff members. 4) In the case of personnel development, regular training should be arranged, together with provision of funds and scholarships for funding research and further studies. 5)The results of performance assessment should be used as basic information to design the personnel development plan and the personnel assessment form should reflect the real duties and functions.

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How to Cite
Ueakit, A., Phansawang, J., & Kraisin, S. (2022). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF MAHAMAKUT BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 34–48. Retrieved from
Research Article


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