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Phra Supin Suphano (Pongwiset)
Dilok Boonim


           The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the problem in administration management welfare for stray dogs, 2) to study methods administration management welfare for stray dogs according to Buddhist way, 3) to present the model administration management welfare for stray dogs according to  Buddhist way, Within the Weluwanaram Temple Mae-tha District, Lampang Province. The interviewees group include Monk, Measuring committee, and the person who takes care of stray dogs within the Weluwanaram Temple Mae-tha District, Lampang Province  number  8 person. And the group of respondents includes People who donate money and food to feed stray dogs within the Weluwanaram Temple Number 123 people. Tools used It is a semi-structured interview and closed-end query. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation.

           The research results found that: 1. The problem in administration management welfare for stray dogs: Interviewee group have an opinion that, Current dogs shelters have sufficient building and premises in the amount of 400 characters, quite crowded, not enough for stray dogs to shelter. The budget for cage construction is insufficient for the number of dogs. Government agencies should help take care of the budget. present the temple has many dogs. If government agency to take care of it seriously, will improve dog's health. The temple lacks The temple is still lacking the necessary equipment to live comfortably for the dogs. Food section, Temple arranged dogs to eat food according to the budget they had at each meal. However, The dog handler has treated all dogs with kindness. 2. Methods administration management welfare for stray Y dogs according to  Buddhist way: Most respondents have an opinion that, Buddhists should not solve problems by destroying life stray dogs, the person who raised the stray dogs, should Take the dogs Vaccine for against rabies as recommended by the veterinarian, Responsible veterinarians should arrange vaccination services, Contraceptive injection, And free sterilization for stray dogs, and temple should there is  organized dogs by means of registration of dogs in a shelter. These comments are in the most level, and 3. The model administration management welfare for stray dogs according to Buddhist way: Stray dogs deserve care and attention. The temple should provide adequate shelter for stray dogs, Should add the person in charge of the management stray dog shelter in the ratio of 1 person per 100 stray dogs, by coordination with government agencies to into help take care subject of the budget to lighten the burden of the temple.

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How to Cite
Suphano (Pongwiset), P. S., & Boonim, D. (2022). MODEL ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT WELFARE FOR STRAY DOGS ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST WAY, WITHIN THE WELUWANARAM TEMPLE MAETHA DISTRICT, LAMPANG PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 135–147. Retrieved from
Research Article


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