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Hathaiwan Tunyapanich
Wirat Pimpa


           The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the quality of working life of personnel Office of local government organizations in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area,   2) to study the factors affecting the quality of working life of personnel Office of local government organizations in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area, and 3) to study the guidelines for improving the quality of working life of personnel Local government offices in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area. The sample consisted of 400 people who had the right to vote in Roi Kaen-Sarasin area and 10 people who were interviewed by interviewees. The research tools including questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The qualitative data analysis used descriptive analysis.

            The results showed that: 1. Quality of life in the work of personnel Local government offices in the Roi Kaen - Sarasin area. The overall dependent variables in all aspects were moderate. 2. Factors affecting quality of work life of personnel of local organization offices in Roi Kaen-Sarasin Area Overall in all aspects, it was found that the relationship with the organization, the development of individual abilities and social integrationX4 the predictor coefficients in raw scores were .422, .401 and     -.703, respectively. 3. Guidelines for improving the quality of life in the work of personnel satisfaction with the physical and mental state should be perceived in order to establish social and environmental relationships. By having good health without any illnesses that hinder life and having to get mentally relaxed as well as satisfaction with income and support as well as perception and satisfaction in the environment that affects the way of life of personnel perceptions of physical condition which affects daily life To perceive the state of physical fitness, perception of feeling of comfort, no pain in daily life, perception of personnel's mental state. There is a perception of positive feelings that people have towards personnel, perceptions of perceptions, perceptions of pride of personnel, perceptions of personnel relationships with other people, that they are not imprisoned, are safe and have stability in life.

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How to Cite
Tunyapanich, H., & Pimpa, W. (2022). QUALITY OF WORK LIFE OF PERSONNEL LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES IN THE ROI KAEN-SARASIN AREA. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 640–650. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/256192
Research Article


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