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The objectives of the research article were 1) to evaluate the students’ behaviors both in the experimental group and control group, before and after the implementation of the curriculum to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phrapariyattidhamma School using Buddhist Threefold Training (Traisikkha), 2) to evaluate the result of after the implementation of the curriculum to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phrapariyattidhamma School using Buddhist Threefold Training (Traisikkha), and 3) to study about the suggestions on curriculum development to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phrapariyattidhamma School using Buddhist Threefold Training (Traisikkha). The research sample consisted of 50 Mattayom 1-3 students studying in Mahavajilalongkorn Rajavidyalaya College in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province in Semester 2020. The statistics used for the data analysis were Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, the Independent Sample t-test, and Descriptive Analysis.
The research result revealed that: 1. The evaluation results of the students’ behaviors in the control group after the implementation of the curriculum to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phrapariyattidhamma School using Buddhist Threefold Training (Traisikkha) revealed that after the experiment, the score of the behavior was higher than before the experiment session at .01 of the different significant level. 2. The evaluation result of the students’ behaviors in the experimental group after the implementation of the curriculum to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phrapariyattidhamma School using Buddhist threefold training (Traisikkha) revealed that after the experiment, the score of the behavior was higher than before the experiment session at .01 of the different significant level. When comparing the control group with the experimental group after the implementation of the curriculum to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phrapariyattidhamma School revealed that the score obtained from the sample in the experimental group was higher than the score obtained from the sample in the control group at .01 of the different significant level. 3. The result of the implementation of the curriculum to adjust the behavior of the students studying in the general education section of Phra Pariyattidhamma School using Buddhist Threefold Training (Traisikkha) revealed that the students were highly satisfied in overall. When considering into aspect, all of the aspects fell on a high level in every aspect. When ranking from the highest to the lowest score, the highest score fell on the aspect of ‘The Procedures’ and the aspect of ‘The Fundamental Factors’, respectively. The lowest score fell in the aspect of ‘The Context’, respectively.
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