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Phra Thongliam Thirakuno(Phangchanda)
Jiraporn Phansasang
Vimonporn Suwansaentavee


           The objectives of this thesis were 1) to study the Buddhism-based leadership of administrators 2) to compare the Buddhism-based leadership of administrators3) to study the suggestions and the leadership development guidelines the Buddhism-based leadership of administrators of the Education section Phrapariyattidham school in Kalasin province. The samples used in this research were 132 the administrators and the instructors of the Education section Phrapariyattidham school in Kalasin province, and 10 of interviewed experts. The tools used for data collection was a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-tests and One Way ANOVA using F-test statistics.

           The results found that: 1. The Buddhism-Based Leadership of Administrators of the Education Section Phrapariyattidham school in Kalasin Province. Overall, it's at a high level. 2. The results of the comparison of opinion levels towards leadership based on the Buddhism-Based Leadership of Administrators, classified by gender: the personnel had a statistically significant  difference in opinion at the 0.05 level , in part of classified by position and work experience: the personnel had no different opinions. 3. Suggestions for Buddhism-based leadership of administrators: should develop plans or projects to enhance discipline, morality, and ethics for as to correct undesirable behavior of students, strategies, missions, goals to work effectively and efficiently, understand problems happened from personnel work, encourage, commend the personnel appropriately.4. The leadership development guidelines the Buddhism-based leadership of administrators:  should be a policy to encourage the personnel, should be use information to use in school administration planning, should  be use  technology communication in administration to perform duties to achieve goals.

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How to Cite
Thirakuno(Phangchanda), P. T., Phansasang, J., & Suwansaentavee, V. (2023). BUDDHISM-BASED LEADERSHIP OF ADMINISTRATORS OF THE EDUCATION SECTION PHRAPARIYATTIDHAM SCHOOL IN KALASIN PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 25–36. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/263058
Research Article


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