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Phra Sathit Khantitaro(Phothong)
Phramaha Sakol Subharamedhi
Sanguan Lapontan


           This research article has objectives 1) to study an ideal society according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy, 2) to study an ideal society according to Western philosophy and 3) to comparative study an ideal society according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Western Philosophy. This research is a qualitative research with the study of documents and research with to analyze the ideal society of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu and Plato's ideal society to find a summary and presents research reports.          

           The results of research found that: Ideal society according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, it started with the Buddha wanting to abolish the old social system and create a new social system in India during the Buddhist era. By the way, it clearly rejected the caste system in Indian society that created the social inequality of that time. It is a human society characterized by equality and equality in life.Ideal society according to Western philosophy, it hold Plato's political philosophy formed ideas from the political turbulence of Athens and family environment in high society. Plato had the view that Uttamarath(the Republic) is the ultimate ideal society with a political goal of justice. The aristocratic regime which was the regime that was closest to the Uttamarat, so it was important to the person who would lead the state.Ideal society according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Western Philosophy. When there is comparison, it saw that there are the same issues namely, a good governance to be a perfect ruler in which a good political society must arise from a virtuous leader and the difference is political philosophy that is not based on reality. But it uses a rational argument to approach an ideological society.

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How to Cite
Khantitaro(Phothong), P. S., Subharamedhi, P. S., & Lapontan, S. (2023). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF IDEAL SOCIETY ACCORDING TO THERAVADA BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 47–56. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/263078
Research Article


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