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Supaporn Suriyasukprasert
Theeraphat Thinsandee
Jiraporn Phansawang


           The purposes of this research article were1) to study on the transformational leadership in the New normal age of school administrators under the Surin Secondary the Educational service area office  2)  to compare the transformational leadership in the New normal age of school administrators under the Surin Secondary the Educational service area office and3) to study the recommendations of transformational leadership in the New normal age of school administrators. The sample group in this research were 341of administrators and teachers under the Surin Secondary the Educational service area office. The research instrument was questionnaire. The statistic used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and analysis of variance (F-test).

           The research’s results found that :1. The transformational leadership in the New normal age of school administrators under the Surin Secondary the Educational service area office. Overall, the disposal was at the highest level.2.Comparative results of the transformational leadership in the New normal age of school administrators under the Surin Secondary the Educational service area, classified by educational level. There were no different opinions on the level of practice between the administrators and the instructors with bachelor's degree with administrators and the instructors with postgraduate education, classified by position the administrators and the instructors were different opinions on the level of practice, classified by work experience there were no different opinions on the level of practice whether they were the administrators and the instructors with less than 10 years of work experience, 10 – 20 years of work experience, or more than 20 years of work experience.3.       From the recommendations transformational leadership in the New normal age of school administrator sunder the Surin Secondary the Educational service area office found that 1) On having an ideological influence aspect: the administrators should show a clear ideology, should be a good role model for subordinates and had a clear vision in the field of school administration2) Inspiring: the administrators should constantly inspire and motivate teachers.3) Intellectual stimulation: the administrators should encourage teachers to train new knowledge, motivate and encourage instructors to build Professional Learning Communities (PLC) andconstantlydevelopinstructors4) consideration of individual: administrators should understand each co-worker, understood individuality differences and promote and assign tasks according to the aptitude of the person, and5) digital skills: administrators should support and provide teaching aids, promote training of teachers in media, technology, communication and constantly studying new knowledge especially media, technology and innovation.

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How to Cite
Suriyasukprasert, S., Thinsandee, T., & Phansawang, J. (2023). TRANSFORMATION LEADERSHIP IN THE NEW NORMAL AGE OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE SURIN. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 197–209. Retrieved from
Research Article


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