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Suparada Sonsupap
Patcharin Chompuwiset


          The objectives of this research were 1) To construct the Linear Motion Conceptual Test 2) To check the quality of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test 3) To determine the intersection points of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test and 4) To develop a user manual for Linear Motion Conceptual Test by applying the three-parameter Item Response Theory for Matthayomsuksa 4. The operation is divided into 4 phases, according to objectives. The sample of this research was 411 Matthayomsuksa 4 students in the 2nd semester of 2021 academic year. A sample group was selected from 1,381 students by using Multi-stage Sampling. The research tool was of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test by applying the three-parameter Item Response Theory which was the three-tier multiple choices.  Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. There was frequency, percentage, mean, difficulty, discrimination, content validity and reliability.

          The results of the research follow: 1. The results of the construction of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test which was three-tier multiple choices could be created 10 questions to measure of 7 concepts in physics about linear motion they consisted of 1 questions of positional, 2 questions of distance and displacement, 1 questions of speed and velocity, 2 questions of acceleration,1 questions of the relationship between displacement velocity and time, 2 questions of straight motion with constant acceleration and  1 questions of free fall. 2. The results of the quality examination of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test. The Index of Index of Item Objective (IOC)of the quality question was between 0.80-1.00, discrimination (B-index) was between 0.21 to 0.65, discrimination parameter was between 0.91 to 2.48, difficulty parameter was between -0.64 to 2.04, guessing parameter was between – 9.57 to 0.30 and the reliability was 0.81. 3. The Cutting Score of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test were the intersection point between the scientific knowledge student and the misconception student was 12 points and the intersection between the misconception students and the lack of knowledge students was 3 points, 4. The result of creating a user manual of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test by applying the three-parameter Item Response Theory were getting manual of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test which teachers could use for the exam administration. The manual of the Linear Motion Conceptual Test, content validity index was 0.80.

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How to Cite
Sonsupap, S., & Chompuwiset, P. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF LINEAR MOTION CONCEPTUAL TEST TO ASSESS LINEAR MOTION CONCEPT USING ITEM RESPONSE THEORY FOR MATTHAYOMSUKSA 4. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 437–449. Retrieved from
Research Article


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