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Napassawan Dathumma


           The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the level of strategic marketing dealer business in Khon Kaen, 2) to study the factors affecting the strategic marketing dealer business in Khon Kaen, and 3) to study the approach to developing strategic dealers. Marketing Strategy in Khon Kaen Province the samples used in the research were 400 people who have the right to vote in Khon Kaen Province Information contributors from public sector informants a group of 10 private informants were used to gather information in the interview. The research tools were questionnaires. and interview from The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis using hierarchical variable selection method and descriptions, classification of data, preparation of data editors and analyze the data Write a report according to the objectives accompanying the discussion of the results.

           The research found that; 1. The level of marketing strategic dealer business in Khon Kaen Province with dependent variables in all aspects found that the level of marketing strategic dealer business in Khon Kaen Province, the dependent variable was at a moderate level in descending order. Find less as follows the response to customer needs, the target market and the market competition, respectively.   3. Weight of importance of factors affecting strategic marketing dealer business in Khon Kaen Province Overall in all aspects, it was found that the advertising aspect(X1), promotion aspect(X3) Event Marketing(X5) the predictor coefficients in raw scores (b) were .507, .473 and .165, respectively. 3. There should be a mechanism in the customer marketing target group to participate in introducing and expanding marketing to customer groups. In order to meet the needs of customers from dealers in consuming products and develop a competitive marketing network for consumption from dealers who are planning for business operations to create marketing success and marketing battles are appropriate.

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How to Cite
Dathumma, N. (2023). FACTORS AFFECTING MARKETING STRATEGIC DEALER BUSINESS IN KHON KAEN PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 492–499. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/266273
Research Article


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