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The objectives of this research article are 1) to study reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in Khon Kaen province 2) to study factors affecting reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in provincial schools. Khon Kaen and 3) to study guidelines for developing reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in educational institutions in Khon Kaen Province. The researcher uses a mixed research model. The sample group used in the research consisted of 400 people. The group provided qualitative information about guidelines for developing reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in educational institutions in Khon Kaen Province, consisting of 10 people. The research tools were questionnaires. and interview form Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis using hierarchical variable selection and analytical description.
The results showed that : 1. Reading and writing skills during the situation of Covid-19 in educational institutions in Khon Kaen Province dependent variables Overall, it was found that the guidelines for developing reading and writing skills during the situation of Covid-19 in educational institutions in Khon Kaen Province were at a moderate level(=3.05,S.D.=.14) in descending order as follows: Knowledge and competence were at a moderate level(=3.06,S.D.=.62), target groups were at a moderate level(=3.07,S.D.=.16) and operational were at a moderate level(=2.99, S.D.=.69), respectively. 2. Factors Affecting Reading and Writing Skills During the Covid-19 Situation in Educational Institutions in Khon Kaen Province Overall, it was found that factors affecting reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in educational institutions in Khon Kaen Province Attitude towards reading and writing skills, Achievement in reading and writing. The predictor coefficients in raw score were .749 and .348, respectively. 3. Guidelines are needed to build reading and writing skills by relying on personnel in educational institutions to help drive the policy of reading and writing skills to respond effectively to the group of learners By managing to build a team with clear goalsTo increase reading skills for continuous study as well as creating understanding in reading and writing skills for learners to be able to apply their reading and writing skills to the current situation effectively.
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