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Sumitra Aiyara


          Nowadays, the world is facing a lot of problems in the situation of COVID-19. That continues to spread in all countries around the world Thailand is in a group with a severe epidemic of COVID-19 at present, which has severely affected both the country's tourism sector, which is the main factor generating income for the country. To bring about domestic management and well-being, happiness, creative tourism is another channel that can be remembered to generate income for all sectors. So this research makes sense 1) to study the application of beliefs and innovations to support creative tourism policies in the situation of COVID-19 in Roi Kaen-Sarasin area; 2) to analyze factors affecting the application of beliefs and innovations to Supporting creative tourism policies in the situation of COVID-19 in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area and 3) To present guidelines for applying principles, beliefs and innovations  to support creative tourism policies in the situation of COVID-19 in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area, a research using mixed research methods with 400 samples; and 40 people were interviewed Quantitative data using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis Data from in-depth interviews by using content analysis method.

           The results showed that:1) The application of principles of belief and innovation to support the creative tourism policy in the situation of COVID-19 in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area (overall in all aspects). Trust and innovation to support creative tourism policies in the COVID-19 situation in the Roi Kaen-Sarasin area were at a moderate level, ranked in descending order as follows: Perception of application of beliefs and innovations in monitoring and evaluation Perceptions of applications of beliefs and innovations and perception, determining the application of beliefs and innovation respectively. 2) Analyze factors affecting the application of principles, beliefs and innovations to support creative tourism policies in the situation of COVID-19    in Roi Kaen-Sarasin area. Overall, it was found that the role of the synod(X4) the role of the Abbot(X5) and the role of the local sector(X2) the predictor coefficients in raw score (b) were .403, .217 and .206, respectively. And 3) There should be communication to acknowledge the process in the policy making process for decision-making laying out guidelines for solving problems or developing or responding to needs in the application of beliefs and innovations to support creative tourism policies clarification on awareness of the application of beliefs and innovations to support tourism policies Build understanding of the application of principles, beliefs and innovations to support tourism policies. This will be useful for analyzing and evaluating policies in line with the increasingly complex dynamics of the current situation.

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How to Cite
Aiyara, S. (2023). APPLYING PORINCIPLES OF BELIEF AND INNOVATION TO SUPPORT CREATIVE TOURISM POLICIES IN THE COVID-19 SITUATION ROI KAEN-SARASIN AREA. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 530–540. Retrieved from
Research Article


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