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Boonpeng Sittivongsa
Athis Chaikhirin
Danai Lamkham
Songphon Choutikavatchagul
Chaiporn Samanmit


           The objectives of this research were 1) to study the medicinal cannabis use of the people in the Northeastern region, 2) to study the factors affecting the medicinal cannabis use of the people in the Northeastern region, and 3) to study the development of marijuana use in the treatment of people in the northeastern region. The sample group used in the research was 400 people. A group of informants from 20 government officials used to gather information for the interview the research tools were questionnaires and interview form Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis using hierarchical variable selection methods, and descriptive data classification.

           The research found that: 1) the medicinal cannabis use of the people in the Northeastern region, the dependent variables, overall, found that the medicinal cannabis use of the people in the Northeastern region was at a moderate level. In descending order as follows: The perception of marijuana use policy assessment was at a moderate level. The perception of the policy on the use of medicinal marijuana was at a moderate level and awareness of the implementation of the medical cannabis policy at the level. 2) Factors affecting the use of marijuana for the treatment of people in the northeastern region Overall all aspects significantly include the local role(X4) Government Support(X3) the role of the community(X1) the three independent variables had predictor coefficients in raw score (b) of .420, .275 and .040, respectively. 3) Guidelines for the development of the use of cannabis in the treatment of diseases of the people. Should be aware of guidelines for setting a policy on knowledge behavior about marijuana use by establishing guidelines on the use of marijuana in the treatment of diseases from medical agencies that has changed the knowledge about the use of cannabis. There is a public relations agency in the treatment of various diseases there is media publicity in bringing awareness policies about the medicinal cannabis use. There is a public relations service, implementation and integration, and the government should support the staff by allowing local officials from various agencies about the use of marijuana in the treatment of disease clearly.

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How to Cite
Sittivongsa, B., Chaikhirin, A., Lamkham, D., Choutikavatchagul, S., & Samanmit, C. (2023). FACTORS AFFECTINGTHEUSE OF MARIJUANA FOR THE TREATMENT OF PEOPLE IN THE NORTHEASTERN REGION. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 551–558. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/266640
Research Article


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