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Yutthachai Toemvithi
Lakkhana Sariwat


This research aimed 1) to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to enhance Innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2 2) to design, build and evaluate programs to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. The researcher defined the research method into 2 phases: Phase 1 was to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. The samples were 155 educational institute administrators or acting in positions under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2, in the academic year 2022. The research tool was an estimation scale questionnaire. Phase 2 was to design, build and evaluate programs to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2, the group of experts who provided information in the study with best practices were educational administrators or supervisors in the educational service area office from the educational service area office, 3 people. A group of experts assessed the suitability and feasibility of an innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2 namely school administrators and university professors, amounting to 5 persons. The research tools were structured interviews, appropriateness, and feasibility assessment form for an innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. Statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation. and the priority needs index.

The results showed that: 1. Innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. the current conditions, all 4 aspects were at the moderate level and all aspects were at the moderate level. The desirable conditions in all 4 aspects were at a high level and all aspects were at a high level. In terms of priority needs, in descending order, Take risks with innovation, Innovation creativity, Teamwork and Innovation vision. 2.The innovative leadership program of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office has 4 modules of activities according to the components of innovation leadership, Module 1: Innovation vision, Module 2: Innovation creativity, Module 3: Take risks with innovation and Module 4 Teamwork. The overall innovative leadership program assessment results were appropriate at the highest level. and has the highest level of possibility.


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How to Cite
Toemvithi, Y., & Sariwat, L. (2024). DEVELOPING A PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE CHAIYAPHUM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 71–83. Retrieved from
Research Article


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