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Watcharapong Thongchai
Chumnian Poollaharn


           This research aimed to study the current situation, desired conditions, and needs for the educational technology standard of the school administrator, and examine the guidelines for school administrator development based on the educational technology standard of the school administrator. The research was divided into two phases. The first phase was the study of the current situation, desired conditions, and needs for the educational technology standard of the school administrator. The second phase was the study of the guidelines for school administrator development based on the educational technology standard of the school administrator. The sample group was a total of 331 school administrators and teachers, and the five targets of the study on the guidelines for school administrator development based on the educational technology standard of the school administrator under Roi Et Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The questionnaire, interview form, and guidelines assessment form were used to collect the data. Statistics used included the percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, PNI Modified, and content analysis.

           The results showed that: 1) Personnel participative administration of academic affairs in the New Normal Age to improve the quality of school learners in Thung Kula Thong Consortium under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et, in overall was found to stand at the ‘MUCH’ level. Taking into account the individual aspects, it was found that the item that featured the highest average was in the aspect of measurement, evaluation, and conducting comparisons for transferring academic results in the development of learning processes Media development and use of media technology for education curriculum development of school and research to improve the quality of education in school, respectively. And 2) The comparison of the opinions of teachers and educational personnel of the so-said schools, classified by gender, age, and work experience was found to show no statistically significant difference.

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How to Cite
Thongchai, W., & Poollaharn, C. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR DEVELOPMENT BASED ON EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY STANDARD UNDER ROI ET SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(2), 272–285. Retrieved from
Research Article


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