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The purpose of this research was to study the quality of life of the elderly. To compare the quality of life of the elderly classified by sex, age group, educational level and occupation, and to propose a guideline to promote the quality of life of the elderly in the municipality of Kudhai Subdistrict, Kudbak District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The sample group used in this research was elderly people aged 60 years and over. In the municipality of Kudhai Sub-district, all 12 villages, using the formula of Taro Yamane, consisted of 306 people. It is a questionnaire consisting of 3 parts: statistics used in data analysis. are descriptive statistics, i.e. number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation for the general data of the sample. Inferential statistics, including T - test and F - test, were used to compare the quality of life of the elderly by gender, age group, educational level and occupation.
The results showed that quality of life of the elderly in Kudhai Subdistrict, Kudbak District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Overall, it was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean was social relations, followed by psychological and the aspect with the least mean was environmental. The results of comparing the quality of life of the elderly in Kudhai Municipality, Kudbak District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Classified by sex, age group, education level and occupation. Different people have no different quality of life. for the elderly in the municipality of Kudhai Sub-district with different occupations. The quality of life was significantly different at the 0.05 level and the recommendation. Guidelines for promoting the quality of life of the elderly in the Kudhai Sub-district Municipality, namely, Kudhai Sub-district Municipality should provide comprehensive and adequate facilities for the elderly in government buildings, public parks.
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