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Thanit Charoenchai
Jidapa Thirasirikul
Chanchai Chitlaoarporn


The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the level of political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand, 2) to investigate factor affecting political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand, and 3) to propose guidelines for promoting political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand. The study was quantitative research. The study utilized questionnaires to collect data from 384 samples, members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand. Statistics used for analyzing data were Mean , percentage , standard deviation , and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

The research found that the level of political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand was moderate. Personal factors such as gender, age, educational level, revenue, and work place affected political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand. The research also found that psychological factor had positive relationship with political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand at the statistical level of .05. The research suggestions were that The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand should support the knowledge and attitude of political participation to members and all Worker's Union networks especially through social media and social networks.

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How to Cite
Charoenchai, T., Thirasirikul, J., & Chitlaoarporn, C. (2024). FACTORS AFFECTING POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF MEMBERS OF THE STATE RAILWAY WORKER’S UNION OF THAILAND. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 399–408. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/272494
Research Article


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