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Thanate Chokwisetchaisit


The research aims to 1) Study the guidelines for creating the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, 2) Creating and examine and handbook the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, 3) Study the effect of implementing the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, 4) Evaluate the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. The sample used in this research were 19 teachers, the researcher employed various research tools: satisfaction of the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, statistics used to analyze data are: percentage means and standard deviation. The findings were as follows: 1. Study results the guidelines for creating the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School comprised five factors were as follows: 1) Principal of model.  2) Objective of model. 3) Inputs. 4) Process 5) Outputs. 2. The model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School was found the model was accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness are at the highest level. Handbook the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School was accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness. The overall was at the highest level. 3. Result of using the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. 1) Quality of learners in this semester academic in 2023, an average of 6.44 percent increased from 2022 for all subject. 2) For the competencies of learners in the academic in 2023 increased from the 2022 in all aspects average the total of students who passed the assessment at good to excellent level accounted for 8.69 percent 3) The desirable characteristics in 2023 increased from the 2022 in all items, averaging the total of students assessed at good to excellent level accounted for 9.69 percent and 4) The satisfaction of the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. The overall was at the highest level. 4. The overall satisfaction assessment of the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School was found usefulness of the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. The overall was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chokwisetchaisit, T. (2024). THE MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS’ QUALITY OF BANKLONGKAE SCHOOL. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 499–513. Retrieved from
Research Article


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