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Silpa Chuennirun
Patcharee Silarat
Pipat Kantha


The objectives of this research 1) to analyze the characteristics of community capital in terms of economy and community economic development 2) To study the community capital management model and community economic development 3) To present the model of community capital management and community economic development in Kosum Phisai, District Maha Sarakarm Province. The research method was integrated research. The sample size of quantitative research consisted of 236 people from member of the community fund groups and the key informants for qualitative research were community leaders and community fund members who have experience in community activities or those working on the project activities to promote community economic development consisted of 18 persons. The research instruments were questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The quantitative research data analysis used descriptive analysis and qualitative research data analysis used inductive method and classified and grouped the data according to the research objectives, presenting the results of descriptive data analysis to find the findings

The results showed that 1. Economic community funds consist of Village funds, Production Saving Funds, and the Integrated Agricultural Community Enterprise Funds. The characteristic of the funds has many objectives for the community development which aim to have a stable income, have a supplementary occupation, have funds to lend in the community, and have a self-sufficient livelihood.  Each fund has an important activity that is for members to save money. borrowing money and holding shares. There is a gathering to form professional groups, produce the productivity, marketing management. In each community a member can participate in various groups other than financial groups. The origin of the funds was both form the villagers think about themselves and those that were established by government agencies. The distinctive feature of the fund is the establishment of Community Fund Management Centers for each community to make members unity, working together continuously, and have a network. The inferior characteristics include the lack of a community database and the lack of a strong community plan. 2. Models of community fund management and community economic development, consisting of: 1. economic fund group management by the fund management committee 2) continuous assessment of management potential 3) there are rules governing the relationship of people with people and people with work within the fund group 3. A new model of community capital management, consisting of 1) knowledge-based development, 2) systematic community capital management, and 3) holistic community economic system development.

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How to Cite
Chuennirun, S., Silarat, P., Kantha, P., & Prakruanukulpariyatikarl. (2024). THE MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY CAPITAL TO UPGRADE AREA BASED DEVELOPMENT IN KOSUMPISAI DISTRICT, MAHASARAKHAM PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 307–321. Retrieved from
Research Article


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